Rishit Ratna

Rishit Ratna

Machine Learning Engineer

Rishit hails from the Sillicon Valley of India. He earned his undergraduate degree from the Manipal Institute of Technology and is currently a Master student at Arizona State university (Go Devils!).

1717 S Dorsey Ln, AZ 85288, Tempe, Arizona, US
(623) 320-9446
Rishit Ratna


Software Development Engineer 2 at Amazon

As an SDE2 at Amazon, my overarching role was to design and lead projects from inception to delivery. I spearheaded the creation of a Metadata Query Engine, transforming how business teams discover shared solutions. I developed a specialized domain-specific language (DSL) for frontend users to effortlessly create complex queries. I architected the AWS backend with Elastic Search for robust search capabilities and implemented a high-performance Java-based micro-service handling 50,000 TPS, ensuring low-latency data availability within 5 minutes. Additionally, I designed a self-service visualization tool for business teams, onboarded new engineers, reviewed and created technical documents, conducted code reviews, and maintained code quality through unit tests, integration tests, and load tests.

Software Development Engineer 1 at Amazon

As as SDE 1, I was responsible for designing and implementing both the high-level and low-level architecture of a service aimed at surfacing catalog defects to crowd-sourcing platforms. Additionally, I led the successful migration of an existing service from a single-tenant to a multi-tenant architecture using AWS. I coded the crucial business logic in Java and provisioned infrastructure through AWS CDK, guaranteeing seamless integration with the codebase. Simultaneously, I mentored a team of two interns for six months on a critical Data ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline project, which involved leveraging big data platforms like Hive, AWS Glue, and Spark to extract crucial metrics from clickstream seller data.

Software Development Engineer Intern at Amazon

As an SDE2 at Amazon, my overarching role was to design and lead projects from inception to delivery. I spearheaded the creation of a Metadata Query Engine, transforming how business teams discover shared solutions. I developed a specialized domain-specific language (DSL) for frontend users to effortlessly create complex queries. I architected the AWS backend with Elastic Search for robust search capabilities and implemented a high-performance Java-based micro-service handling 50,000 TPS, ensuring low-latency data availability within 5 minutes. Additionally, I designed a self-service visualization tool for business teams, onboarded new engineers, reviewed and created technical documents, conducted code reviews, and maintained code quality through unit tests, integration tests, and load tests.



Masters in Computer Science from Arizona State University with GPA of 3.89


  • CSE 507 - Digital Video Processing
  • CSE 500 - Intro. to Digital Image Processing
  • CSE 569 - Intro. to AI

Bachelor in Computer Science from Manipal Institute of Technology with GPA of 3.58


RBS Tech Hackathon, Winner from Amazon

Best Idea and execution, Image Perspective item generator.


Video compression for 3d media by Hooli

Innovative middle-out compression algorithm that changes the way we store data.


Fluency: Native speaker
Fluency: Native Speaker
Fluency: Elementary proficiency


Amazon Web Services Tech Stack
Level: Master
  • Lambda
  • EC2
  • SQS
  • SNS
  • DynamoDB
Large Scale Software Development
Level: Master
  • Distributed, Parallel computing
  • SOA
  • Real time processing

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